15 modelitos de banho que lhe vão dar pesadelos, só de OLHAR!

13 Maio, 2016

(Última atualização em 25 Setembro, 2017)

Está a chegar o calor, e as pessoas começam a pensar nos trajes de banho, nos biquínis, nos fatos de banho, nos calções!

Praia é o local onde se encontra muitos corpos à mostra.

Mas algumas pessoas não sabem escolher o de traje de banho.

Ou não se vêem ao espelho antes de sair de casa…porque há roupa de banho que nos faz dizer “O que é isto??????????”

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Do you really just want people to laugh at your breasts??  I think HE made her wear that!  Eeww.:
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NORMAN... No, no-one on the beach thinks  that your saggy old underpants are white speedos.      No-one!                                           MonacoBeach.co.uk Golden Rule No.5 Ladies, don't forget to check that your man has purchased some suitable new swim shorts or trunks. If necessary, buy some for him - to tone in with your own colour scheme, naturally.  IGNORE  his embarrassing 'ideas for saving money' !!:

MonacoBeach.co.uk Golden Rule No.3 Ensure you measure yourself up for new swimwear in plenty of time to buy something which fits properly for your holiday. Don't leave it until you are on the beach to find out that you have outgrown your 'old faithful' bikini!:
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Neon: Women in the skimpiest of swimwear can be seen posing in snaps on the Pinterest page... How was it about SEXISM in US , once again...?:

Are these the most epic beach fails ever?  #dailymail:
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You still want a boob job?  oh man.....OLD people who won't admit they're OLD:

I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation... @Candice Casey @Valerie Avlo Pursley @Becky Hui Chan Pursley THE MAN OF MY DREAMS!! LOL:

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Sexy bathing suit - FAIL:

obviously the speedo doesn't hurt either...:

18 Funniest Thong Fails (thong fail, funny thong) - ODDEE: